Block Puzzle Ocean

Block Puzzle Ocean

71Playhop reýting
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Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň
Block Puzzle Ocean — Playhop
Block Puzzle Ocean

Block Puzzle Ocean

71Playhop reýting
Oýunçylaryň reýtingi
Oýun başlamak bilen, şertlere razy bolýarsyňyzygtyýarnama şertnamasy
Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň

Nädip oýnamaly

Block Puzzle Ocean a tetris style game which is relaxing and thrilling. This game will train your brain to make a logical approach better when you try to organize blocks vertical or horizontal to archive more jewel reward. Features: - Beautiful graphics and satisfying sound effects - A tactile game experience with a realistic modern tile design - Relaxing gameplay with no pressure or time limit - A light, small game that won’t take space on your device Play this modern style game to relax and train your brain. You can play this block puzzle ocean game anytime and anywhere! Quickly, let's enjoy this block puzzle ocean game.

Nädip oýnamaly

Arrange the blocks in horizontal or vertical in order to fill a row or column to clear the jewels. Clear and collect as many jewels to obtain highscores. you defeat your friends by your highest score We all know the rules of tetris game right. No time limit, you can enjoy game for any time, anywhere and a short time. No start screen!!! Only the game and your brain. Mind challenging puzzle world! Use science of strategy and tactics. Enjoy!

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