Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky

Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky

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Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky — Playhop
Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky

Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky

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Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky
Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky
Monster Truck - Racing in the Sky

Nädip oýnamaly

This game is a driving game where you can race with artificial intelligence on race tracks in the sky. You will race with monster trucks and earn money by completing race tracks. With this money you will buy new cars and customize these cars. There are 10 monster trucks and 12 special racing areas. You can develop and buy monster trucks. You can beautify cars by adding new patterns.

Nädip oýnamaly

You have to reach the finish line and complete the race. If you enter the top 3 at the end of the race, you will receive a cash prize. With this money you can buy a new car or customize an existing one. Drive the car: "ARROW keys"

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Oct 20, 2023
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