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Robbie Land - Downhill! Play, jump, ride and earn cups in this wonderful game!
Your task is to study the obbi, try all the slides, and pass the obstacle course!
Earn cups, unlock new slides, and immediately descend from them!
➡️ In the game you will find:
✅An amazing obbi, with many activities
✅As many as 3 slides for every taste and color!
✅Obstacle course
✅Popular characters
✅Other Robbies who will play with you!
Nädip oýnamaly
➡️ The office
On a PC, use
AWSD (left, top, bottom, right) / arrows (for movement)
Numbers 1,2,3 - to use abilities (treatment, acceleration, kick)
In the city, you can jump on the space bar
On Mobile devices, use
Touch buttons
➡️ Collect cups, buy boosters, go through slides and an obstacle course
You can buy boosters from the corresponding NPC
To open the slide you need, accumulate a sufficient number of cups, and go to the appropriate NPC