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Nädip oýnamaly
This is a competitive 2D platformer-shooter for 3 players.
the goal of the player is to kill the other player with different weapons and equipment.
Whoever gets the most points wins!
The game has many types of weapons that will not let you get bored!
The game has one game mode and two ways to select map
1) In turn, that is, the map will be in the planned order
2) Random, that is, the map will be chosen randomly
Nädip oýnamaly
Player 1
Movement: W, A, S, D
Attack: Space
Take item: E
Сoo: Q
Slide: LeftShift
Player 2
Movement: U, H, J, K
Attack: P
Take item: O
Сoo: Y
Slide: [
Player 3
Movement: Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, Down Arrow
Attack: LMB (left mouse button)
Take item: RMB (right mouse button)
Slide: Mouse wheel
Сoo: RightControl