DOP: Mysterious Stories

DOP: Mysterious Stories

39Playhop reýting
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DOP: Mysterious Stories — Playhop
DOP: Mysterious Stories

DOP: Mysterious Stories

39Playhop reýting
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Oýun başlamak bilen, şertlere razy bolýarsyňyzygtyýarnama şertnamasy
Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň

Nädip oýnamaly

⚡READ... THINK ABOUT IT... ERASE IT! 🧽💫 Using your finger as an eraser, select the part of the image you want to delete to solve the puzzle and reveal the final picture. While some puzzles may seem simple, others will require using your brain 100% to find the right element or part of the element that needs to be erased. Go through levels of varying difficulty, as the questions become more interesting, and the answers will require more accuracy and careful thought to solve!

Nädip oýnamaly

THE ERASERS ARE READY TO USE ☑️ Try to train your brain today and start solving riddles! This puzzle game is sure to appeal to both young and adult players, activate your mental power to reveal more and more interesting secrets every time! GAME FEATURES: 😍 Unique gameplay - Enjoy hundreds of bright, colorful and funny images that will test your thinking skills. With smooth graphics and charming animations, it's impossible to break away from this game! ✏️ Perfect - nothing beats solving a difficult riddle! Using logic and a little creativity, enjoy searching for different parts of each puzzle and wiping them with a swipe of your finger to discover the hidden answer. 😌 Difficult but relaxing - there is no stress in this puzzle! Spend time thinking about the logic of each picture before you start erasing. Of course, if you're really stuck, hit the hint button. The main thing here is to have fun and not worry about the little things!

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