Noob on Web: Epic Superhero

Noob on Web: Epic Superhero

Red Blue Jailbreak Games
58Playhop reýting
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Noob on Web: Epic Superhero — Playhop
Noob on Web: Epic Superhero

Noob on Web: Epic Superhero

58Playhop reýting
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Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň

Nädip oýnamaly

Welcome to the game Noob on Web: Epic Superhero! Noob flies on a web like crazy Spider-Man. Use your hook or web like a real superhero and fly across the map on a string like Spiderman! Epic fly around evil zombies, skeleton archers, creepers, as well as pits, because the floor is lava! Today Noob has become a superhero! Did you like the game "Noob on Web: Epic Superhero"? Then play our other games, and also leave feedback on what games you would like us to make!

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Control: A\D or arrows - Run W, Space or Up Arrow - Jump Left mouse button or Click on the screen - Release a web The goal of the game is to reach the finish of each level!

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Awtorizasiýa goldawy
Iňlis, Rus
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Çykan senesi
31 dek 2023
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