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Try out the new version of the Nextbots game mode from Garry's Mod called "Nextbots: Sandbox of Memes", adapted to work in a web browser, along with new and interesting nextbots!
Nextbots from Garry's Mod offer a unique game mode that provides thrilling adventures in the world of nextbots and science fiction. In the enhanced and adapted-for-the-web-browser version of this mode, titled "Nextbots: Sandbox of Memes", even more exciting opportunities await you.
Now you can immerse yourself in the world of nextbots right from your browser, without requiring the installation of additional applications or plugins. Enhanced graphics, intuitive controls, and lots of fun await you!
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PC Controls:
- Press the right mouse button to enable and use the mouse cursor.
- Use the keys W, A, S, D to move.
- Use the "space" key to jump.
- Use the "Q" key to activate the nextbot menu.
For mobile device controls, use the joystick for movement and the touchpad for camera rotation.