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Russian Checkers vs. Computer" is characterized by stunning, user-friendly graphics and intuitive interface, so that players of all ages can easily orient themselves and enjoy the game.
Take part in exciting games against the computer, matching your skill level to the difficulty of the game, track your stats and improve. Artificial Intelligence uses advanced algorithms to plan your moves, taking into account not only your current position on the board, but also anticipating possible future scenarios. AI is able to quickly analyze the situation on the board and make optimal decisions in short periods of time.
Nädip oýnamaly
The goal of the game is to capture or block all of the opponent's checkers.
Players take turns making moves. A checker can move one cell forward diagonally to a free cell.
If an opponent's checker is on an adjacent diagonal square and the square behind it is free, the checker may jump over the opponent's checker and occupy the free square. The opponent's checker is removed from the board. If further bashing is possible after this, it must be done.
Upon reaching the opposite side of the board, the checker becomes a queen. The queen can move any number of squares diagonally and hit the opponent's pieces, being at any distance before and after jumping over them.
If a player has the opportunity to hit an opponent's checker or damka, he is obliged to do so.
The game ends when one player cannot make a move because all his pieces are blocked or captured. The game can also end in a draw if only repeated moves without progress are available.