Noob Defend the Tower: MasterCraft

Noob Defend the Tower: MasterCraft

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Noob Defend the Tower: MasterCraft — Playhop
Noob Defend the Tower: MasterCraft

Noob Defend the Tower: MasterCraft

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Nädip oýnamaly

Noob Defend the Tower: MasterCraft. A strategic game in the Tower Defense genre. Become a legend of the MasterCraft world! 10 campaign levels Endless mode 40+ types of enemy units 8 types of towers: Base turret, Decelerating Turret, Laser turret, Rocket launcher, Decelerating turret, Area turret, Double turret, Triple turret. You can upgrade and unlock towers and base money in the store, and the store is on the menu One of the most unique free online games of the "tower defense" genre PLEASE PAY ATTENTION! This game is free to play and it is created by people who love Tower Defense games. We hope that you will enjoy every second and have a really exciting time with Noob Defend the Tower: MasterCraft. Play for free right now

Nädip oýnamaly

Defend the chest from hordes of enemies. Build towers so as to defeat all enemies. Each of the 8 towers is unique. Explore weapons, upgrade them and use towers strategically wisely. Take your time with the construction and manage your funds wisely. As with most strategy games, thinking through your actions will be the key to success. And don't forget to open and upgrade towers in the store! Play for free right now!

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Iňlis, Rus
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6 apr 2024
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