Hidden Objects: Detective Agency

Hidden Objects: Detective Agency

76Playhop reýting
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Hidden Objects: Detective Agency — Playhop
Hidden Objects: Detective Agency

Hidden Objects: Detective Agency

76Playhop reýting
Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň

Nädip oýnamaly

Fascinating detective investigation . Solve riddles and investigate the biggest robbery in history together with experienced detectives of the Detective Agency "Gray Tie". "Hidden Objects: Detective Agency" is a fascinating detective story full of secrets and surprises! You can search for interesting items and play new mini-games in secret and dangerous places. In this mysterious detective story, you will help detectives find the stolen statuette and solve the crime. The case is handled by professional detectives Amanda and her assistant. Collector o will show you where the audacious crime was committed, and you will go to Amsterdam to catch the robber. The investigation will take you to dangerous places. You will chase the robber and achieve an excellent result . You will find the ruins of the castle and many hidden artifacts . The lab will help you solve the mystery of the robbery and track down the robber. But when Amanda gets to the bottom of it, things will take a dramatic turn.!

Nädip oýnamaly

The lower part of the screen shows the items that need to be found on the\level. Be careful and try to find them all!

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Fransuz, Nemes, türk, Iňlis, Rus
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Çykan senesi
17 dek 2024
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