Ninja Banana Boy

Ninja Banana Boy

Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň
Ninja Banana Boy — Playhop
Ninja Banana Boy

Ninja Banana Boy

Oýun başlamak bilen, şertlere razy bolýarsyňyzygtyýarnama şertnamasy
Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň

Nädip oýnamaly

Immerse yourself in the world of the fun and dynamic arcade game "Ninja Banana Boy". Take on the challenge and help the brave Ninja survive by dodging and destroying enemies. Slow down time, aim precisely, and teleport to your weapon. Improve your hero by buying new weapons in the shop! The game includes many unique levels, each offering new and exciting challenges. Enjoy the positive atmosphere, stunning graphics, and fun gameplay that will provide you with many positive emotions!

Nädip oýnamaly

1. Flight Direction: Pull your finger or mouse to set the flight direction of your weapon. 2. Time Slowdown: Time slows down like in the Matrix, giving you the opportunity to aim precisely. 3. Aiming: Release your finger or mouse when you have aimed. 4. Teleportation: Press again to teleport to the location of your weapon. 5. Shop: Buy skins and new weapons in the shop to enhance your gaming experience.

Oýun maglumatlary

ýaş derejesi
Awtorizasiýa goldawy
Nemes, Iňlis, Rus
Ekranyň ugry
Çykan senesi
30 maý 2024
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