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Nädip oýnamaly
♥️ The goal of the game is to clear the table of all cards, collecting them into four piles from Ace to King, sorted by suit.
♠️ You can only stack cards in descending order, alternating the colors of the suit. Sequences can be moved from stack to stack. You can always start building a sequence with any card, not necessarily with the king.
♦️ When you move an up card from the stack, the underlying down card is flipped over. Once any of the seven piles on the scoreboard are empty, you can move a king or a sequence starting with a king (and only a king) to an empty space. You can only move the top face-up cards or sequences.
♣️ You can choose from many beautiful options for backgrounds and card backs.
Nädip oýnamaly
♥️ It’s very simple to play, the rules correspond to the classic solitaire rules. You will need to put all 52 cards in their places, starting with aces and ending with kings.