Nubik: Urban Adventure

Nubik: Urban Adventure

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Nubik: Urban Adventure — Playhop
Nubik: Urban Adventure

Nubik: Urban Adventure

Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň

Nädip oýnamaly

Nubik: Urban Adventure is an exciting and dynamic game where players can immerse themselves in the world of urban racing and test their driving skills. The main character, Nubik, known from the game Minecraft, embarks on a grand adventure through city streets. In the game, you can buy various cars, each with its unique characteristics and appearance. Your task will be to avoid collisions with other vehicles and overcome numerous obstacles on your way. In case of an accident, Nubik spectacularly flies out of the car, adding a visual thrill to the game. As you progress, you can earn in-game currency and purchase new, more powerful cars. Bright graphics and simple yet engaging gameplay make this game suitable for both beginners and experienced players. Try your skills on the city tracks, show what you are capable of, and become the best driver in this virtual city with Nubik!

Nädip oýnamaly

Welcome to "Nubik: Urban Adventure"! Follow these simple instructions to quickly master the controls. On mobile devices: Turns: Tap the right or left side of the screen to turn

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16 okt 2024
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