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Nädip oýnamaly
An exciting horror adventure with puzzle elements that will make you laugh and be scared at the same time! The events of the game take place after the 2nd part of "5 nights at Timokha". The friend escapes to an abandoned hut and survives a terrible battle against Gena and Tima.
Nädip oýnamaly
The goal of the game is to overfeed Timokha and escape with grandpa on a yacht. To do this, you need to collect firewood, chop it with an axe, and throw it into the oven. Make pies and fry them. There is also a Gene in the game who wants tea. To get tea, you need to find a kettle and also put it in the oven.
Controls: movement - WASD, jump - SPACE bar, running - LShift, switching objects - 1-9, action - E / LKM.