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Nädip oýnamaly
Defeat enemies, complete levels, earn coins to upgrade your hero. Spend your coins wisely, they don't come easy! There are an infinite number of levels in the game, everyone can become the first among the others!
Nädip oýnamaly
· Move around the map - Click on any place on the map so that the hero goes there.
· Launch a rocket - Click on the enemy so that the hero shoots a rocket at him. (1 rocket at a time, two can fly out if you're lucky)
· Auto Game - Click on the auto game button, the hero shoots at enemies himself, and collects food.(does not dodge enemies)
· Shop - Click on the shop button, you can buy various upgrades in it.(you need at least 5 coins)
· If the hero loses all his health, he also loses all the accumulated coins (I advise you to spend everything at once)