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Nädip oýnamaly
The cube recycling lab is here! Help recycle as many colored cubes as possible and place the maximum number of spikes in the room.
In the game, your task is to recycle as many cubes as possible. For recycling certain types of cubes you will receive different amounts of money, which can be spent on improving the strength of the spikes and installing new spikes in the room!
Try to become the top player on the leaderboard and prove that you are the best cube recycler!
Nädip oýnamaly
In the game you need to recycle cubes using spikes. You can move the cubes by pinching and dragging them across the playing field.
Select the cube you want to recycle and press the left or right button to receive the selected cube. By destroying cubes you get money.
Each cube has its own amount of health and its own disposal value.
You can improve the strength of the spikes and place new spikes in the room that will help you in recycling.
Try to become the best recycler on the leaderboard!