Lando the Hedgehog: Apple Rain

Lando the Hedgehog: Apple Rain

Johnny Keolot
Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň
Lando the Hedgehog: Apple Rain — Playhop
Lando the Hedgehog: Apple Rain

Lando the Hedgehog: Apple Rain

Oýun başlamak bilen, şertlere razy bolýarsyňyzygtyýarnama şertnamasy
Oýunyňyzyň ösüşini we üstünliklerini ygtybarly saklamak üçin ulanyjy adyňyz bilen giriň

Nädip oýnamaly

Today is a rare weather phenomenon - apple rain! A hedgehog named Lando needs to collect as many apples as possible, but the Angry Dog is standing in his way! Help Lando collect more apples than the Angry Dog! You need to collect as many apples as possible! Complete all the levels in which new obstacles appear, beware of poisonous mushrooms and the Angry Dog! And with each level there are more and more mushrooms, and the Angry Dog runs faster and faster, so it gradually becomes more and more difficult to play. Try to set a new record in the players' table!

Nädip oýnamaly

To control from a mobile device, use the on-screen left and right buttons, as well as buttons for running faster and jumping; on a computer, you can use the Left, Right keys (as well as A and D), the Shift key for running faster and the Space bar for jumping; play with a mouse by pressing the on-screen buttons, or use a gamepad

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9 dek 2024
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