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“GTA Ramps: MEGA TEST” is an exciting GTA style racing game where you will have to go through 10 interesting levels on mega ramps. Overcome obstacles, jump from huge heights and pass dangerous sections, changing cars to cope with any difficulties on the way.
12 unique cars, from pontoon cars to supercars, including the Cybertruck.
Game Features:
- Passing tracks
- You can save anywhere
- Player with top music
- Ability to change cars directly while passing the level
You will have to go through extreme tests, where every movement matters. Gain maximum speed, jump huge distances and show everyone that you are capable of more than others! Start your journey in GTA RAMPES: MEGA TEST right now!
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On the PC:
WASD - driving
Spacebar - handbrake
C - change camera
On mobile devices:
Use the left and right arrows to control movement
Gas and brake pedals - for acceleration and deceleration