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Nädip oýnamaly
Immerse yourself in an exciting world where you will become the protector of the ecosystem of a unique planet covered in garbage and pollution. You will go on an adventure through picturesque landscapes, from green forests to abandoned cities, to clean up the environment and restore its original beauty.
Your mission starts with a small base where you will recycle the found garbage and turn it into useful resources. Collect different types of waste while exploring the planet and use them to improve your base. Gradually, you will be able to expand your capacity, increasing the profit from recycling and discovering new technologies for cleaning the environment.
As you play, you will have the opportunity to hire robot assistants, each with unique abilities. These robots will help you collect garbage more efficiently, purify water and air, and speed up recycling processes. Develop your assistants, improving their characteristics and opening up new opportunities.
Nädip oýnamaly
PC: Move - WASD, arrows or hold LMB and drag in the desired direction. The character automatically picks up trash.
Mobile: Move - move your finger in the desired direction. The character automatically picks up trash.