Đăng nhập bằng tên người dùng của bạn để chắc chắn bạn lưu tiến trình trò chơi và các thành tích đạt được
Giới thiệu về trò chơi
You are Durov, the founder of the messenger, known for his independence and unwavering belief in freedom of speech. However, not everyone likes your position. The Frog, wanting to establish control over the information space, decides to persecute you, accusing you of violating the frog laws on the protection of personal data.
You are cornered in Paris. Your safety is at risk, and the authorities will stop at nothing to get to you. The only way out is to flee, using all available means.
Cách chơi
• Draw paths: Use your mouse or finger to draw paths for the characters to follow.
• Safe paths: Keep in mind that the paths must be safe - the characters must not collide with each other.
Your goal:
• Complete all levels of the game.
• Use your imagination to create unique and effective routes.